Dienstag, 11. Juni 2013

Crowdfunding Without A Community?

Try Sailing Without A Breeze!

By Liam Barrington-Bush

In May 2012 I went to Oaxaca, Mexico with my wife and started writing a book about voluntary sector management and what it could learn about effective and ethical organising practices from social media and emergent social movements. I called it ‘Anarchists in the Boardroom,’ and perhaps unsurprisingly, the few publishers I spoke to with an interest in management literature wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot-pole.

But lots of people still seemed to want the book, so I decided to self-publish. So far, 137 people have pledged over $7,600 on StartSomeGood to get the book published, having hit the barebones budget required in the first three days ... Read more

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