Sonntag, 31. März 2013

What comes next is even more disruptive

Social Media (SoMe)

by Brett King

On top of Social Media has come a plethora of “Apps”, marketing initiatives, communities and the like. Instagram, Foursquare, Pinterest, Vine, Cinemagram and many others have been designed on top of Facebook’s capability to provide a common user platform, but also allowing for rapid sharing and adoption through the social network in the form of posts, links back to the App, etc. If a friend posts an Instagram Photo, it shows up on Instagram, but also invariably on Facebook as someone shares their pics, and when your friend clicks on your pic they are then invited to try Instagram for themselves. Instagram, Foursquare and others maintain their own ‘network’, but you always tend to find new friends from Facebook or Twitter to build your network within the App’s ecosystem.

The biggest challenge for these businesses is finding revenue models as they evolve. Many of the same challenges occurred for businesses starting out on top of the Internet layer. Business like “” and “” found this out as revenue didn’t come quickly enough to save their businesses. We’ll have a few fits and starts on the social business layer also, but those that emerge triumphant will not necessarily be the network owners (Facebook, G+, Twitter), but businesses that marry community, collaboration and the reach of social in entirely new ways. As before with the web, these businesses will disrupt traditional players massively, and emerge as some of the new giants of the next decade.

Some interesting examples of entirely new businesses that are emerging on top of the social layer are business like Kickstarter, Peer-to-Peer lending, AirBNB, Yelp, Uber and others. Business that thrive on community and work by using social as the glue to commerce, creating value through the community, but monetizing it in unique ways also.

Not sure where the ROI is coming on social? By the time you wait to see others find it, it may already be too late for your business. Social is here to stay, and it’s just getting started. View Full Text at Brett

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