While more than one billion people use Facebook, there
are still many who refuse to sign up whether for personal reasons or for much
publicized privacy concerns. We’ve already seen Zurker aim to
provide a more transparent and co-operative alternative, but now Unface.it is
hoping to provide an ‘offline’ social network that enables users to connect
with friends and take part in more real-world activities.
The founders of the app – which was developed during
the Launch48 event in Vilnius, Lithuania, last month – believe
that sites such as Facebook sap productivity, deteriorate relationships and
contribute to depression. Unface.it is designed to help people beat their
Facebook addiction, allowing users to add only five of their closest friends. Whenever
they feel like Facebooking them, they are encouraged to use their phone to
speak to them properly instead. The app also has a focus on events and includes
a feature that finds relevant real-world events taking place near to them,
where they can get out of the house and meet new people. This opens up opportunities
for sponsors to promote their events through the app. Users can also see how
well they’re doing by checking in every time they’re out and placing themselves
on a global leaderboard of streaks for real-world social interactions.
Unface.it operates on the manifesto that using the
internet in moderation, appreciating the world outside and meeting new people
is the best way to beat addiction to social networks and increase productivity
and happiness. Are there other ways to take advantage of digital technologies
to improve people’s experience of the real world?
Website: www.unface.it
Contact: www.twitter.com/unhookfb
Contact: www.twitter.com/unhookfb