Beste deutsche Universität auf Platz 44: LMU München! Ranking
The Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings employ the world's largest invitation-only academic opinion survey to provide the definitive list of the top 100 most powerful global university brands. A spin-off of the annual World University Rankings, the reputation league table is based on nothing more than subjective judgement - but it is the considered expert judgement of senior, published academics - the people best placed to know the most about excellence in our universities.Thomson Reuters contacts academics around the world to complete our annual reputation survey. Engaging professional scholars is critical to ensuring this initiative delivers what the community has long been asking for — a more accurate representation of the institutional landscape, from the source. In addition to consulting on the careful recalibration of reputational weight in university rankings, we have also made significant efforts to generate a robust and meaningful survey.One critical feature of our Academic Reputation Survey is the opportunity for disciplinary focus: academics can highlight what they believe to be the strongest universities in their specific fields, both in teaching and research. With the ability to select from wide variety of academic disciplines and over 4,000 academic institutions, scholars have great latitude in pinpointing their reputational assessment. Respondents were selected based on their field of study, and to ensure the statistical rigor of the survey, it was circulated as invitation-only. The regional distribution for survey circulation followed United Nations percentage estimates of global academic researchers by (sub) continent.For more details on survey logistics, or to view the survey in PDF format, please visit our survey methodology page.The Academic Reputation Survey not only receives responses from professional scholars from every corner of the world, but also an excellent breadth of results across different subject areas.Thousands of responses were received in six subject areas: engineering and technology; physical sciences; life sciences; clinical, preclinical and health; social sciences; and arts and humanities. Nearly one third of these responses came from Asia, including a strong representation from China and Japan. We are particularly pleased with the number of responses from the Asia Pacific region, as over-representation of North America and Europe is a central bias we wish to address in the Profiles Project.To help control for language and translation bias, the Academic Reputation Survey was offered in nine languages: Arabic, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese and English.