Samstag, 23. März 2013

If you don't give back

no one will like you!

Crowdrise about:

The CrowdRise community was named a “Top 25 Best Global Philanthropist” by Barron’s. We beat Oprah. And, Mashable named CrowdRise something like “the best place to raise money online for your favorite causes.” CrowdRise is one of the fastest growing online fundraising websites. We used to try to keep CrowdRise a secret but we're making a slight change and encouraging you to tell two friends and one person who you don't like all that much about the site. 

CrowdRise is a unique blend of crowdfunding, social networking, contests, and other nice stuff. If you don't understand how easy it is to raise lots of money for your cause on CrowdRise, please check out the How It Works page, contact us, or just ask any fifteen year old. Here's a nice quote. We bribed the person who said it with lots of licorice: 

CrowdRise is a phenomenal fundraising platform that really helps us broaden our reach ” — Mary Wittenberg, President, New York Marathon