SimplyRaise was
founded on the guiding principal that all charitable organi-
zations deserve
access to simple and affordable technology to increase
awareness, build
networks, and raise money for their causes. It is our goal to
be the premier
provider of creative online fundraising solutions to organiza-
tions large and
At the core of the
SimplyRaise business model is a commitment to service,
accountability and
reliability. We are collaborative partners with a vested
interest in the
success of the organizations we work with.
The White Paper:
Crowdfunding is not a new idea. Startups, venture capitalists, political cam-paigns and artists, just to name a few, have long used crowdfunding to buildand grow networks, generate buzz and, ultimately, raise money to supporttheir businesses or projects. More and more, charitable organizations areusing this proven strategy to build creative, flexible and cost -effective fund-raising and friendraising campaigns that not only leverage existing networks,but create new ones.Besides the obvious benefit of increased fundraising potential, crowdfundingalso offers a creative and engaging approach to raising awareness of yourmission and ultimately, growing your brand.Think about this. It’s what we like to call the Rule of 10. First, imagine yourorganization has a donor list of 100 people. Now imagine your organizationbuilds a crowdfunding campaign, and 10 of your supporters participate.Those 10 people create personal fundraising pages and then broadcast thesepages to their social networks on a site like Facebook. Today, the averageperson has 130 Facebook friends, so instantly, your supporters have ex-posed over 1,000 people, or 10 times your initial donor base, to your organi-zation. Let’s take it one step further and assume that each of the 10 person-al pages produces 10 donors, for a total of 100 new donors. With the Rule of10, you have now just doubled your donor base.