ClickStartMe About ClickStartMe
ClickStartMe boldly goes where no crowdfunding website
has gone before. ClickStartMe takes the best parts of social media, e-commerce,
crowdfunding, and mixes in exciting contests and prizes. We put the fun in
Whether you are a business owner, model, product
developer, musician, inventor, dancer, designer or filmmaker, ClickStartMe
gives you new tools to fund, market and create an incredible buzz around the
products, services and performances that are at the center of your dreams.
Unlike other crowdfunding sites, ClickStartMe does not kick you to the curb after your project is funded. Instead, we become your business mentor, providing you with space in our e-commerce store to market and sell your products and services. Further, we introduce all successfully funded product launches to our retail partners for possible inclusion in their merchandising and marketing.
Best of all, everyone who creates a free profile on ClickStartMe is eligible to enter our incredible contests with great prizes. Check out the contests we have going on.
If walking the runway or shredding a guitar in front of screaming fans isn’t your thing, don’t worry – we will have a contest for you starting soon!
Spread the word. ClickStartMe will let your raise
money to fund a new business idea, or to expand one that is already up and
running. ClickStartMe allows musicians, singers and bands to raise money from
interested supporters to fund a tour or to create their first music video. ClickStartMe
supports techies who have great new inventions but need funding to manufacture.
ClickStartMe gives models a forum to raise money from friends and fans for
career-boosting endeavors like portfolio development, website creation, comp
cards and acting classes. ClickStartMe lets your non-profit organization have a
fun and easy way to raise needed money. ClickStartMe is the perfect platform
for comedians, filmmakers, screenwriters, parents of pageant hopefuls and anyone
in the arts that wants to further their career. Really, ClickStartMe is for
everyone who wants to raise money - and that means we are here for you.
Check out the list of our categories and see where you
fit in. And, if you are interested in crowdfunding but don’t see a category
that describes you, let us know…we will make a category for you! ClickStartMe