Dienstag, 2. April 2013


FundRazr about:

FundRazr is the easy-to-use fundraising site for anyone, anywhere to raise money online for any project or cause. FundRazr enables crowdfunding and Facebook fundraising by sharing your project with friends and family and finding new supporters via social media. Check out some fundraising ideas our thousands of customers used to reach their funding goals. People like you can raise money for health, memorials, accidents, education, travel, and more. FundRazr makes reaching your fundraising goals simple, social and secure. We love hearing your success stories.

USA TODAY covering FundRazr


Crowdfunding' sites pay medical bills, raise hopes

More people are turning to crowdfunding sites to ask friends, and friends of friends, for help with medical bills, accident costs and much more. But, surprise: Strangers give, too. Note: An estimated $2.8 billion was raised by all types of crowdfunding websites in 2012. And Kindra McLennan was diagnosed with cervical cancer. An earlier version of this story was incorrect on those points. 

When Matthew Foutz helped co-found the Human Tribe Project, a crowdfunding website that helps people raise funds for medical or other kinds of crises, he never thought he'd end up using it for his own family.

But two years ago, when his daughter Mia was 5, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor called a medulloblastoma. She had surgery, months of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, which left Mia, now 7, with permanent memory, mobility and endocrine issues. Read more
