Mittwoch, 27. März 2013

Moneyball for Startup's

new way to analyze entrepreneur's influence

What if you could crunch data to find the most undervalued players in the startup world? Toronto-based Cdling Capital Services Inc. thinks it can. 

A Toronto company is using Moneyball-like metrics to rank the most valuable – and undervalued – players in the startup world.
Cdling(pronounced ‘seedling’) Capital Services Inc. has developed ananalytics platform that measures the reputational influence of peoplewithin the startup ecosystem, including investors, company founders andexperts. By analyzing data about them — such as their socialconnections and links to financing deals – the program ranks theseplayers by how much clout and impact they have in the startup realm. 

“We apply social network and financial analysis around players todetermine their rank across the (startup) ecosystem,” said founderMichael Cayley. 

In the Oscar-nominated movie Moneyball,Jonah Hill’s character tries to build the Oakland A’s into a WorldSeries-winning baseball team by using relational statistics to acquiremajor league players who achieve the best performance at the lowestsalary, ignoring scouts who focus mainly on batting averages, RBIs andother standalone numbers. View The Full Story